Friday, December 26, 2008

My christmas gifts!

I didn't get alot of presents this christmas because we don't go to families homes and sing and bring gifts. On the 24th at 7:00 pm yes i went to this party with all the family from my dads side. It wasn't like what usaual people do in America. It was i Christmas MEXICAN STYLE party. It was SO much fun! I played with almost all of my cousins, we danced, we ate and we stayed up to 2:00 in the morning or more but i went home like about 1:47. I wish that party was every day! My christmas gifts where New Moon , a dvd, pajamas,earrings,scarf,and a hair beading machine, and a $50.00 gift card to gap from my uncle. My best present was that party that my uncle made at his resturant private of course(family only lol). I think that was the best present and best christmas i EVER had!!!!!!!!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

My trip to Alabama

My trip to Alabama was so fun : )

When I was going i was thinking oh this is going to be SO boring but guess what... I WAS SO WRONG!

I know, I know why ALABAMA? I don't know why my mom just saw an ad at the church and she said let's go! It was suposed to be in august but they posponed it. What else ... IT WAS ON A BUS NO PLANE, BUS!

Also why on bus? Well it is not so expensive compared to plane. Me and my mom were not the only ones on the bus so many other nice people espacially Nanny Mary, Auntie Fe, Sister Flora ( not nun ), sister Amelita (also not nun ). I called people that because they where SO nice oh and also Uncle Ollie. Also many other people and they made that week the best week of my LIFE!

Friday, November 21, 2008

South West Native Americans

For Food they hunted mammoths until they became extinct and then they started starting hunting the buffalo, some wild plants, maize ( corn ), and the common grain.

For Habitat they lived in Northeren Part of Mexico, Arizona, Southern Colorado, and New Mexico.

For clothing they wore very little. They would dress in paint and flowers with a feather headress.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

my favorite movies

so far my favorite movie is : Beverly Hills Chihuahua and HSM 3 senior year!

Friday, October 24, 2008

I love chihuahuas!

I'm from mexico well part of me is from mexico. Chihuahuas came or where started in Mexico!

I thinks thats why i LOVE the movie Beverly Hills Chihuahuas!

my favorite band is the jonas brothers

My favorite konas brother is Joe. The new Joe not the one that had the hairband and messy hair but the one that was in Camp Rock!

do you really know your BFF

take this quiz and find out how well you know your BFF:
favorite color-
favorite band-
'' movie-
'' tv show-
'' book-
brother(s)/sister(s) name-
pets' names-
favorite food-
least favorite food-
favorite song-
''video game-
'' teacher-
'' animal-
'' sport-
'' school subject-
worst school subject-
eye color-
dream job-

tip #1 What is a best friend

You certanily can't be someone's best friend if you don't know what a best friend is. The term " best friend" can mean diffrent things to diffrent people, but all best friends have a few things in common. A best friend is someone who sticks by you even when others wont. She's the 1st person you go to when you're sad or in trouble because she's someone who'll listen when you want to talk, and be there for you even if you dont. A best friend is someone who likes to share good times with you, and who can make you laugh. Most of all, a best friend is someone you can always be yourself around.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

I would pick my mom!

I would pick my mom as president because she knows more about history than my dad. My dad knows history but about Mexico because that is where my dad is from. Also my mom was here longer than my dad was! My mom would be stronger in behavior but she is so fun!